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Cảm biến đo mức thép hoặc kim loại nóng chảy (Microwave level meter ) Matsushima MWLM-FM-T , MWLM-FM-S , Matsushima Vietnam

Level Measurement of Molten metal,
Molten steel and Raw Materials in Blast Furnace
Measuring range 2.0 to 15 m & 2.5 to 30m
Accuracy ±0.2% F.S.or below

Giới thiệu sản phẩm


Microwave Level Meter, with its particular feature that is hardly influenced by the measuring conditions, can be utilized for level measurement under the severe environment where high density dust exists at high temperature and high pressure. It is utilized for level measurement of raw materials of blast furnace, molten metal, molten steel, slag and raw materials of CDQ.


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