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Cảm biến canh biên UH01, UH01A, UH01SA, UH01S Nireco

he Ultrasonic Sensor UH01 / UH01A is designed especially to detect transparent film and photosensitive material in EPC(Edge Position Control)system.

It can detect the edge of a web with high accuracy, not affected by irregularities in the coating near the edge of transparent film and printed patterns, which is conventionally impossible by optical sensors. Combined with Nireco,s controller, an electrical EPC system and electro-hydraulic EPC system can be constructed. The UH01A is a version of our UH01 ultrasonic sensor with a longer internal length(the distance from the sensor center position to the inner side of the casing). Internal lengths of 200mm, 300mm, 400mm and 500mm are available. The internal length of the UH01 is 60mm (fixed).

Giới thiệu sản phẩm

  UH01 UH01A UH01S UH01SA
Sensor gap 48mm
Effective detection length 8mm
Frequency response 200Hz
Sensor output Hi mode 
When fully closed 0V, When fully opened +5V DC
Lo mode
When fully closed 0mV, When fully opened +300mV DC
Resistance load of at least 2kΩ
When fully closed 0V, 
When fully opened +300mV DC
Power supply DC+15V(100mA)
DC +7 to +12V(70mA)
Ambient humidity 35 to 85%RH (no condensation)
Ambient mperature 0 to +50℃
Mass 0.36kg

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