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Bộ chuyển đổi tín hiệu (Converter ) SE7101A Ohkura - Ohkura Vietnam

This distributor supplies power to various types of 2-wired transmitters and outputs 4 to 20mADC by isolating the output current signal of 4 to 20mA from a transmitter or 1 to 5 VDC by converting it directly. In addition, by the overcurrent limiting function built-in, this unit can operate properly when any short-circuit is happened at the transmitter side. In this distributor, two types, an input/output isolated type or an input/output non-isolated type, are available.

Giới thiệu sản phẩm

This distributor supplies power to various types of 2-wire transmitters, and at the same time either isolates and outputs the 4 - 20 mA DC output signals from the transmitter, or converts them directly to 1 - 5 V DC for output.
This device also has a built-in current limiter function to ensure that it operates properly even if there is a short-circuit on the transmitter side.
The device is available in an isolated type with input/output isolation, or a non-isolated type without input/output isolation.



Datasheet (pdf)

Danh sách Sản phẩm
